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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  March 20, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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savings. they'll dreams >> the privilege of serving you. i do not take likely that you will need to be better being normal when no, no, no more. it feels like you're telling me that i'm not normal it makes me distrust all of you and want you to be dead >> beat being normal. >> good regime >> streaming exclusively on macs >> good morning. you were alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta and washington. and right now, house republicans say they are going full steam ahead on their impeachment inquiry into president
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prosecutors say admitted to having ties to russian intelligence is in jail awaiting trial for lying to the fbi. so today, a different gop witness will testify again, not on capitol hill, but from federal prison where he is serving time for unrelated fraud charges. meantime, former president donald trump, who actually was twice impeached in searching for new ways to postpone his election subversion trial, asking the supreme court to delay the proceedings and doubling down on his claim of total immunity, arguing that rejecting it would be quote, the end of the presidency as we know it, but we begin with this morning's house oversight hearing on the impeachment inquiry into president biden. cnn's melanie zanona joins us, live up on capitol hill for us. melanie, what are republicans? i trying to accomplish with this hearing >> well, initially this hearing was billed as a way to highlight discrepancies and hunter biden's closed-door testimony. remember this is only the second public hearing that house republicans have had related to their impeachment inquiry. >> and a >> hunter biden has been at the heart of their probe, but since
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hundred decided to not show so up today, republicans are going to turn to other witnesses who claim that president joe biden was deeply involved in his son's foreign business deals, but those claims have yet to be verified. and in fact, many of those claims have been undercut by other witnesses. so gym, there are signs that today's hearing is shaping up to be more of a step spectacle than any substance starters, i'm told that there's going to be an empty seat with hunter biden's name on it there's also going to be a witness testifying remotely, as you mentioned, from federal prison. and just moments ago, a democrat on the committee, jared moscowitz of florida, showed up wearing a putin mask. so just giving you a flavor of how democrats are planning to handle today's hearing. meanwhile, we should also mentioned that democrats are selecting lev parnas as their witness. he is a former rudy giuliani associate, someone who is tasked at one point was digging up dirt on the biden family, but has since called those claims nonsense. so just a really not ideal situation for house oversight chair jim
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comer, who is leading this hearing thank today and facing many questions about where his impeachment inquiry goes from here >> yeah, i'm melanie, i mean, one of the questions i assume we're gonna hear from democrats is where is the evidence that house republicans are bringing forward to try to impeach the president. do we have any sign of that? >> yeah. well, they have not been able to prove that in any of the hearings or in any of their closed-door testimony that they've had so far. so that is the very high bar, but they are still trying to achieve and because they have not been able to meet that bar, many republicans inside the house say they are not ready to support impeachment articles. so there lot of questions about where this impeachment inquiry goes. next, comer has said that there's likely going to be criminal referrals and a final report at some point. but because there's not gonna be impeachment articles, there is a serious debate inside the gop about how and when they're going to wrap up this probe, there's some in the republican party who say they just need to finish his now and try to turn their attention to other issues. so i'm trying to deliver for the american people ahead of november, but there
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are some republicans who say they should drag out this inquiry as long as possible and try to politically damage biden ahead of the november election, jim all right. >> empty chairs and putin masks up on capitol hill. melanie zanona should be a lively hearing. thank you so much joining me now to talk about this other perhaps more important matters. colorado democratic congressman jason grow, he serves on the house intelligence and foreign affairs committees, congressman, i do want to start with this hearing. you heard the scene setter there for melanie zanona. i mean, what do you think it says to the voters out there when we're a couple of days from a government shutdown? yes. there appears to be a deal, but we're not out of the woods yet. and foreign aid for ukraine remains stalled. and this is what we're searing seeing up on capitol hill yeah. jim. >> yeah. you are right a minute ago. we are asking, where's the evidence and the bottom line is there is no evidence unlike the twice impeached former president donald trump. the first impeachment for blackmailing president zelenskyy to assist him in his
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campaign. the second impeachment for inspiring and encouraging and assault on the us capitol and directly in the election, unlike those situations where there was ample evidence of malfeasance and high crimes and misdemeanors. there's no evidence here are the witnesses have been shamed and discredited they're digging this is frankly a sideshow that republicans should be focusing on governing, helping us pass a budget, helping us port ukraine in the other important national security things that our nation faces. but instead, they're engaging in political theater. >> congressman did want to ask you about the shutdown de. there are members of the house freedom caucus grumbling about the deal. are you concerned that this is going to pass? in time to avert a shutdown. might i heard manu raju was saying yesterday, we might slip into a technical shutdown for a brief period what's the latest do you think >> well, one thing that will always be true on capitol hill is that the house freedom caucus will always grumble about a deal because these are people who don't believe in compromise. these are people who don't believe in a system
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of divided government where you have to actually come to a bipartisan result to get something done. they don't believe in that at all, right. >> their view is there has to be all or nothing in which case if that's what happens, the american people in our country gets nothing so we're going to try to find a compromise. we're going to continue to push forward for our bipartisan deal and we just have to frankly take those folks who aren't willing to find any compromise and marginalize them, push them to the side while the rest of us who want to figure out how to move forward, do so. >> and where is age ukraine right now i mean, any signs of life there >> well, i'm pushing very hard. i'm working with a bipartisan coalition and i'm working with house democratic leadership to push this forward and look at every potential avenue to get it done because time is of the essence here are the ukrainians are fighting. they're dying they have no shortage of current courage and resiliency, but they do have a shortage of ammunition. and listen, this is not charity, this is not something that we're just doing out of the goodness of our hearts. this is an american national security
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effort. it is in the best interests of america that we here, europe, there are a number one economic trading partner, our biggest business partner, the bread of the world is ukraine, we have 100,000 service members and their families living in europe, we have to secure americans in europe if the here are our economy, we have to secure our food supplies and we will do that for less than 5% of our annual defense budget if we get this over the finish line, but time is of the essence. we're pushing very hard. >> and i did want to ask you about israel. i mean, the president has invited a team of israeli officials to washington next week just talk about this impending offensive that may go into rafah and i do also want to make note the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu having a closed-door meeting with senate republicans. or maybe speaking to a closed-door meeting with senate republicans today. your sense of all of that? i mean, it does sound as though the president, the prime minister are not really on the same page as much as they were
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in the days after october 7, what would you like to see the president get out of this? and do you think it's appropriate for the prime minister be talking to senate republicans? today >> while for many months i've joined with my national security focused colleagues to push this conflict and a very different direction. i am somebody who fought three times in iraq and afghanistan. and what i know to be true after 20 years i've harder and the lessons they've united states gained out of our global war on terror is that you cannot completely defeat a terrorist organization with military force alone. you have to make sure you're meeting people's basic needs that you're addressing humanitarian issues, that you are going to the root of terrorism. and that is hopelessness and fear and right now, the strategy is not doing wayne that 30,000 civilian casualties is untenable. it's a moral failure and national security failures. so we have to have a very different direction here and frankly, an invasion one of rafah would be catastrophic for the one million palestinians who are on the verge of famine does not
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serve american interests, and it does not serve israeli interests >> and congressman, i did want to i mean, speaking of israel, i want to play some comments that recently surfaced from ford, president donald trump's son-in-law, jared kushner, talking about the war in gaza. get your response to that >> both sides are spending a fortune on military. i think neither side really wants to have a terrorist organization enclave, right between them. and gaza's waterfront property. it could be very valuable to if people would focus on building up livelihoods. you think about all the money that's gotten into this tunnel network and all the munitions, if that would have gone into education patient or innovation. what could have been done. and so i think that it's a little bit of an unfortunate situation there, but i think from israel's perspective, i would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up. >> yeah. congressman jared kushner saying from israel's perspective, i would have moved the people out to clean it up
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your response to that? >> well. i don't listen that jared kushner on any issues of national security or military strategy, he currently has no idea what he's talking about and like most of the folks in the trump administration and the come family, they're always focused on money. so always focus on what they can get out of it. and let's not forget the jared kushner was supposedly the person that brought peace and tranquility to the middle east well, here we are clearly they failed in that effort and we need a very, very different approach right now >> all right. congressman jason crow from colorado. thanks very much for your time this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> all right >> we'll be right back >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn >> jorge is always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth and he laid his own maintenance, take a back exceed well, maybe it's time to shift gears on that because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment with a
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hey controversial texas immigration law is again on hold after an overnight rolling by federal appeals court. those came just hours after the supreme court gave taxes. the greenlight to put the law into effected allow state and local law enforcement to arrest people. they suspect have entered the country illegally. cnn's add lavanderia joins me live and open paso added following all the twists and turns or you can get a little dizzy but next our arguments are expected to begin over this law how our local law enforcement agencies reacting to all of this. i mean, i suppose they don't really know what to do on a day by day, hour-by-hour basis because of all the legal back-and-forth yeah. >> the whiplash on this is quite consuming for many of the law enforcement agencies across the state of texas, the local agencies that would be most directly affected by this. and so there are clearly watching this closely, but in the few hours that this law all was actually in effect yesterday,
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we did hear from a number of law enforcement departments across the state and trying to encapsulate here what they said. but the bottom line is, we didn't hear from any law enforcement agency that said that they would strictly be sending their officers out to enforce this law. and what essentially this immigration law does is it gives local, local law enforcement departments and agents the ability to arrest people that enter texas illegally. and it gives judges the ability to deport people back to mexico if that's where they cross from, but law enforcement departments, sheriff's and the police officials are saying that they are not going to go out as an specifically enforced, just this, if the immigration status comes up in the course of another crime that is committed, they will enforce it then. but by and large, what we're hearing is a great deal of confusion about how exactly this law will be implemented on the ground on a day-to-day basis. jim >> yeah. and add know if anybody was rested when the law
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was in effect for that brief period of time that it was yeah. >> we've been reaching out to your local law enforcement agencies across the state, as well as legal aid groups that have helped migrants. in other cases, we have not heard of any arrests that were made yesterday on this specific new law. we're still trying to put out feelers and calls to people across the state just to double-check that. but so far that hasn't happened. we should also point out that over the last few years, state troopers have arrested migrants for trespassing onto private property along along the border. so that has gone on has been going on for some time, but this new law is an escalated new level. jim. >> all right. add lavanderia. thank you very much. down in el paso for us. we appreciate it. turning out to donald trump's latest strategy to further delay the trial in his election. subversion federal case here in washington, the former president's legal team filed a brief arguing that the supreme court should send the
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ruling back to lower courts. trump's lawyers are also argued that if he isn't granted immunity, it would be, quote, the end of the presidency as we know it, joining us now, senior crime justice reporter kaitlan collins, caitlin, i mean, he's this is another delay tactic, obviously. >> well, yeah, it is, but he actually wants them to just totally dismiss the case against him and he goes boldly in language. he hasn't used before in this legal briefs saying essentially trying to scare the justices into protecting the executive branch, the presidency with an immunity bubble that no one can break. he says that there would be post-office trauma for anyone serving in the presidency. there would be de facto blackmail and extortion of people serving in office while they're president. if there was the threat of prosecution after they left office, it would be, quote, the end of the presidency as we know it, if there's not immunity around i'm the presidency and his lawyers point out that when the dc circuit, the appeals court before this ruled against trump
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and said, no, you don't have immunity for breaking the law while you're president, his lawyers are now saying that's particularly bad for trump and jerry manders, a situation where it would deprive him civically of immunity because you should, you shouldn't have immunity fall away if you break the law because you want to remain in power, that's something that's especially bad for trump in this situation. so he wants to be able to not just break the law as president if you see fit as president, but also it doesn't matter what the motive is it at all there? well, in a >> lot of legal scholars, constitutional scholars would say, if you did have total immunity as president, that would be the end of the presidency as we know it that's right. and the appeals court did say that the reason you have laws is it prevents people from wanting to break them. and in this case, it's prevented previous presidents before trump from watching to break the law on the delay tactic. that is something that
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they're floating to the springboard if the supreme court doesn't, by this big bold argument of total immunity around the present didn't see they're saying we'll send it back to the lower courts to look at immunity in this particular factual situation would effectively i mean, that would effectively postpone things for a very actually were very long. >> it lots of more court proceedings before any trial would be able to take place. >> caitlin point lines as always. thank you very much coming up, president biden, making a direct pitch to latino voters trying to use trump's words against him. that's anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn >> 10,000 by next month. i we won't know unless we try right? >> how >> long have we waited for something like this will have to alert suppliers, coordinate shipments already alerted already coordinated every supplier sees changes as they happen >> since when can we just scale up mid-cycle? >> since we brought in vdo
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ever so closely to clarifying his position on a key issue in the >> 2024 elections is actually suggesting last night that he would back a 15-week abortion ban the number of weeks now, people are agreeing on 15. and i'm thinking in terms of that, and it'll come out to something that's very reasonable. but people are really even hard-liners are agreeing seems to be 15 weeks, seems to be a number that people are agreeing at but i'll make that announcement at the appropriate time >> now, this comes after hamas said last month that he was undecided about backing a federal abortion ban, but had been quote, hearing about 15 weeks. that's a quote from trump. let's discuss that in more cnn political commentator, republican strategists for michael singleton and cnn political commentator and former senior advisers is there to hillary clinton's 2016 presidential campaign karen karen, let me let me start with you. i mean, the more donald trump talks about abortion, the more i think democrats probably
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like hearing it, right? i mean, because this is going to be a potent issue. >> absolutely. fall early on. he was trying to walk away from the issue. remember, he was trying to back away and now i think he saw the backlash and in that comment, here's what's to remember how many times have republicans tried to 15 week abortion ban in special elections, and it failed, right? and think about the state of ohio where we just saw a trump candidate win well, remember, in ohio in a special election, how overwhelmingly the abortion ban was defeated. all those voters are now open to a democratic message that says, if this person is in the senate, you're going to see a 15-week abortion ban. sure. michael, i mean, how do you as republican strategist, navigate this? so let me look, you look at the polling gallup had a poll that came out last year, 63% of americans actually agree that a 15 week band as appropriate, you look at
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studies from the center for disease control. what you find is that most abortions are typically around 910. it's early, it's within 15 weeks when you look at data from central during disease control. and so as a strategist that tells me looking at those metrics that republicans taking that position, they actually aren't far off where most people are who go through this process, or even people who don't go through the process say, hey, i think this is pretty reasonable. i think the question becomes, how do you message this to the average voter, particularly those independent swing voters. and i think republicans have to do a better job on the messaging front. >> you want it depends on if he gets back into the white house, what a congress would do with something like this i mean, how do you get something like this out of the senate where the senate that's almost 50, 50. i mean, it's just gonna be very very instead of trump, trump, trump all the time, i want to ask you karen about president biden's campaigning out west. is trying to make the case to let you know voters. this is such a big, big issue for the president running for reelection, right? land. let's listen to how he characterized
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trump, talking about this issue talk about on this side row. >> i need you, i need you badly. i need to help comment and i desperately need your help 2060 called latinos criminals, drug dealers, and rapists when he came down an escalator now he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country what the hell is he talking about >> he seperated qizan just the borders. and kidnapped the children. this guy despises latinos yeah >> i mean, under current here, karen, is that the president and i've talked to a lot of democratic strategists about this. people in the latino community. he is really underperforming with latino community right now in a way that is raising alarm bells in states like nevada, which if he doesn't win, nevada then the map starts to become very complicated. in the electoral college. >> yeah, absolutely. i think the campaign is taking it very seriously. that's why he is on this trip. hey, there's a couple of dynamics we also need to look at that tells us what
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is open to president biden in this election. number one, this texas law remember what happened with arizona with sb 1070 and an alabama with their legislation once people realized that essentially you're talking about codified racial profiling there was a huge backlash and one of the things that we see immigration reform absolutely important issue to the latino community. that's when things people talk about >> but a >> majority of americans, including latinos, want humane immigration reform. and so messaging to those folks that it's not just that the former president trump calls you these vile names at the same time they're talking about being inhumane, humane treatment of immigrants in this country. oh, sure. yeah. >> so i think part of it is teasing out what kind of immigration reform and then the other thing i think is really important. remember if the latino community, they care about a whole range of issues. and so just like other voters,
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the president is going to have to continue to have a conversation about all the issues they care about. the actually. oh, sure. being one of the top issue. but let's put them we can >> put that poll number back on screen the preference among latino voters. so i think it's at 46%. yeah, donald trump, 40%. joe biden. sure. michael, how did this happen? >> i mean, looked to the point that the latino community cares more about or about other issues as much as immigration i think is a pertinent when an this message from the president that he can just racialized this only reminds me of his comment of euhene black, if you don't vote for me, that is not enough to convince people to go to the polls to vote for you over the alternative what are you going to do to assure that the latino community that maintains an upward ladder economically, what are you going to do to address them with their concerns about education? for their children or that they're living and safe communities. again, they care about a whole host of other issues like all those public focusing on race gem to me is not enough when he's saying poisoning the blood of
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the country. i mean, i don't agree with that language, jimmy not going to give me to defend that >> no, no, no. >> i'm not saying that, but back in 2018, i remember during the run-up to the midterms talking to republican strategist up on the hill, aides and speaker rionda office, other offices up on it. i mean, they were petrified of the backlash that they would get in the swing districts. sure. it's toxic know, you swing districts. i mean, you know, no, it definitely is and i don't think you can discard that yet. donald trump was competitive with the latino community in 2020. if you look at that polling, you believe at granite, it's very, very early within the margin of error. he's competitive again. i think many latino individuals are worried about the broken immigration system and they want a reformed system that under the biden administration, we have not seen well, because republicans have blocked at time and time again, let's be real about that. but you guys the first team area is waiting to hear. you guys have the first two years to do something. i did nothing we cannot blame that on republicans done now, can i go
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ahead so the other thing i would mention though, when we're talking about racialized language that's the clips that we played. that's not the whole conversation that in fairness to the president, that's not the whole conversation that he's having with the latino community. he did it, he's talked about a whole range of issues. and i think your point about this racialized language policing the blood that actually comes from this country that is something that the nazis learned from us because of jim crow. i myself have had people say, that's you me as a mixed race person, that's very true that's right. i think >> it's important to also remember to your point you're right, there is going to be a backlash with regard to moderate voters. and those voters who are afraid that under trump are going to see more chaos. a lot of them came out, frankly, yesterday in those midterm and those elections to vote for nikki haley, who's not even still in the race. again, those are people that are potentially like open to the biden. >> i'm going to push back on that because again, immigration now the number two issue in this country right now behind it, the economy most americans do not believe that joe biden
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can address the issue cured. so to your point, i think to your point to your point, let me finish. to your point that to your point that this republicans in the senate tried to do something and those in the house did not attempt to to do something? that is correct. yet voters still don't believe that joe biden has handled this issue appropriately, and they do believe that donald trump will handle issue far better. you can't just discard that point now, but when you talk to voters, one of the things they also say in focus groups and in the data that they care very deeply about what kind of immigration reform well, that's okay. but just looking at the top line number, that doesn't tell you the whole story underneath. >> that's my point. well, that's what most polls. all right. we'll keep this discussion going. and >> do a >> civil professional agents as you guys did appreciate your long way to go to the election. in the meantime, though, coming up, donald trump doubling down on his extreme rhetoric, claiming he can go toe to toe with vladimir putin. >> what's that all about? that's nice
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>> closed >> captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial move. victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money call when 808592400. that's when 808592400 donald trump is defending his use of the phrase bloodbath while talking about the auto industry and the country, when it comes to the upcoming election and interview with right-wing, a british broadcaster, nigel farraj. trump says his response to his phrasing of the response to his phrasing was overblown all the people that are complaining about it, they all used it to commonly used phrase when you getting slaughtered economically, when you're getting slaughtered socially, when you're getting slaughtered and they use it all the time. >> all right, to discuss, we're joined by tom nichols. he's a
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staff writer at the atlantic and ruth bengio, she's a professor of history at new york university and the author of strong men mussolini to the present thank you so much. both of you, so terrific conversation. we're going to have your top let me start with bloodbath. i mean, we don't have to re-litigate everything. but on saturday he did say for the country, i mean, he did say that there's no denying that why do you think he is now saying slaughtered socially, whatever that means. i mean, he's he's broadening it out himself yeah. >> first of all, he has not earned any benefit of the doubt about what his words mean considering that he uses terms like vermin and other incendiary terms? but. the other thing is that whenever he's trapped are backed up against the law. he just doubles down and he >> doubles down in two ways. and you heard them both here. one is everybody does it. i'm no worse than anybody else
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>> we all >> talk about bloodbath. it was a bloodbath at the grocery store. so bloodbath at the gas station? >> no >> no one really talks that way. >> but >> then the second thing he does is to add onto it to pile on and say, well, i only meant economically and socially i'm sorry, but if you're presidential candidate talking about a social bloodbath these are things that in a more rational time would have ruled him out of contention for dog catcher, much less president >> any wasn't exactly backed into a corner by nigel faraj of all people. i mean, and ruth, i want to play something else. trump's said yesterday about jewish americans. let's listen to this i think that the democrats have been very, very opposed that jewish people that's true and to israel, well, you have to do, is look at senator schumer, what he did with israel is a disgrace and i think israel will probably not forget it very soon. it's a very sad situation >> and ruth, this comes after
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he said that any jewish person who votes for democrats hates their religion, hates everything about israel ruth's he keeps dabbling in these tropes. what's going on here? >> yeah. well, you know, your previous segment was about immigrants. the thing is, everyone thinks that if they're not x category, they're not going to be touched by an autocrat. everybody is touched. so in this case, he's talking about, he's raising the old anti-semitic trope of jews not being loyal citizens because they're real loyalties to israel. and he's done this many times before. i want to add to something that tom said though, about the bloodbath. there's a real intent here, and that is an trump's been doing this all autocrats do this. >> if you want to get people riled up enough to either commit violence for you january 6 or accept your violence >> you need to >> get them into a state of existential fear and dread and
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so on january 6, he said, if we don't fight like hell, we won't have a country anymore with strong magnets, always me or the abyss knee, or the apocalypse. so when he's talking about social slaughter he's telling people that they have to defend themselves and he's done this many times in his rallies and now it just campaign. this is part of his message to keep people when, he says they're not really going for me, there are actually after you and i'm just standing in the way. so that's what this is about as well >> yeah, i mean, tom, he's he's saying the riot part out loud. it seems >> of course, he's been doing it for awhile. he's been i think preparing his followers for violence. he spent preparing them not to accept any electoral result that isn't in his favor or favor of anybody he wants >> he does this. ruth's >> point is really important here he gets us used to these
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words that they become second nature, that the kind of level of violence in that language the dread in that language just gets woven into your daily life so that after a while, you just start to accept that violence and blood baths and it's just part of the way we talk which was not the way we conducted political debate in american till now, but this is all about trying to motivate people to fight for him because we have to remember that for him, this is not a political campaign. he is running as hard as he can to get into the oval office to try to escape accountability and justice yeah. >> and i didn't want to talk to both of you about trump and putin. i mean, he's trump is putting himself on par with putin saying go to toe to toe with a dictator, come out on top. i mean, this seems to be a recurring theme in addition to how he shows affection for dictators and ruth in an opinion piece for cnn, you
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wrote about trump doing this and he wrote, trump uses his rallies and other public occasions to sell strongman rule to his followers. so americans begin to see autocrats as positive and glamorous figures. it's aspirational on trump's part. >> when does it >> in your view, when does it become? a threat to a threat to democracy? a threat to the country? perhaps it already is >> it's already a threat to the country even before january 6, it was a threat to the country. so it's easy to laugh at these this and think it's bluster when he says, oh, i fell in love with i'm john on this seems ridiculous, but he's both holding these people up. these are murderous dictators. he's holding them up as positive models. so that if he does, even something similar on that line, that it will be seen as normal. so this is tom's point about normalization. but it's other
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targets. it's very important is the american public. he's been conditioning americans. i mean, this is a guy who's a marketer. he's a propagandist. he six at both of these things and he's been conditioning americans to think that democracy doesn't work. and it's corrupt and it's anarchy. and that terryanus and strongman leadership is the superior that's why you saying about viktor orban and whoever it is of the day, he's praising including putin so this, this, there's again, there's an intent there. there's always an intent with trump, even though he can jumble is words act confused that there's big themes there, that it repeats over and over and that's what you need for success and propaganda yeah and, tom, the scary thing is, is that we just saw a so-called election in russia and there was no credible opposition allowed. they were talking about 87% support for vladimir
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putin. i mean, that's, that's laughable. you have people like alexey navalny killed in prison this, i mean, how, how can you even pretend that that's a democracy going on in russia? and if putin if trump is continuing to speak with admiration and putting himself on an even keel with the likes of vladimir putin, i mean, that should be disturbing to a lot of folks out there it is disturbing and the idea that he's gone toe to toe with dictators he is absolutely in all of these people. and as we saw in their first meeting years ago, helsinki he isn't going toe-to-toe with them. he is kissing their ring. i mean, he is a very a lot of a lot of what trump does. i think it projects urine and insecurity which makes sense in the thorough tyrion bully >> but the idea that somehow, you know, putin is to be
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emulated it's almost inconceivable to have an american president and an american presidential candidate again, talking about how much he admires someone who just had, i have to do the air quotes election >> you know, at >> 80%, but that's trump once talk about the aspirational nature of this. this is trump's aspiration to be someone who has unchallengeable power, huge amounts of wealth, and can do anything he wants and still recollections to get 87%. i mean, that's you know, that's, that's trump's dream world. to been the richest man in the world which putin is one of the richest end to be on accountable >> all right, well, great discussion was to keep the conversation going in the meantime, though, ruth and tom, thanks so much. i really appreciate the insights this morning. going to talk about to you we'll be right back >> leaks slides, cia secrets,
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51177, call now i'm david culver in port-au-prince, haiti. and this is cnn hours from now, the federal reserve will announce whether it will lower interest rates or stay in a holding pattern for now, americans who had been sidelined by high-interest rates are watching to see if they can expect if they're borrowing costs to go down anytime soon. and moody's analytics, chief economist mark zandi joins us now, mark, great to see you as always, thanks so much. i mean, by all accounts, the fed is going to leave a rates unchanged. what does that mean for americans out there? >> well, they're going to still be paying the same rates as they have been for the past almost a year now, that's kept rates high for much of the past year. >> but i think >> the fed's also going to indicate that they will be cutting rates later this year.
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they do this dot plot where each dot represents the views of each of the members of the committee that it makes the decision. >> and >> i think there's dot plots would suggest three rate cuts later this year, a quarter point each time and that will provide some relief if you have a credit card, if you have a consumer finance loan, if you have a home equity line of credit, you should see some relief on those interest rates are pretty quickly, even if you have an auto loan, maybe even adjust right? mortgage and you're out buying that could be helpful. so i would expect some relief later in the year. >> markets, it's kind of extraordinary how well the economy has done despite these interest rates being this. i mean, goldman sachs, top economists as the us is nowhere near a recession, that economists told cnn, we haven't seen a recession. we have been close to a recession your thoughts >> yeah. >> the economy has been amazing >> resilient me a lot >> economists two years ago thought we'd be in recession by now because of the higher rates, but that did not happen. i think one of the reasons is that many americans did a
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really good job blocking in the record low interest rates that prevailed during the teeth of the pandemic. you remember back jim, in the pandemic can make some folks get mortgages at two-and-a-half, 3%. they refinance down and those are long-term mortgages, right there, interest rates have been changed on those so people are still paying those very low rates and that's been very helpful and insulating them from the higher ridge by the way, that's a big difference between the united states and every, almost every other country on the planet. everywhere else in the world most households have to start paying those higher rates relatively quickly, not here in the us, and that's really helped insulate things. there's other reasons for the resilience, but i think that's one of the key reasons yeah, i mean, the homebuying market aspect of all this is fascinating to me. i mean, even with the mortgage rates, the way they are right now, us home construction serves last month, people are still buying houses, their grumbling about these interest rates your sense of, i mean, i guess there was also this will wrinkle in the news the other day that things might be happening with the rates the fees that real estate brokers
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charge to their clients. and so that it's just amazing how resilient that market has been as well. >> yeah the underlying demand for homes is extraordinary me, we have a real shortage of homes, both for homeownership in for rental, particularly on the affordable side of those markets instead of demand is just insatiable for anything that comes up i do think builders have done a really good job of providing discounts and so-called interest rate buydown. so bring down the interest rate in the first few years of the mortgage to try to make it more attractive and naturally kept the single-family home-building market alive. and you mentioned the change in realtor commission coming up here in the next few months. >> that should >> also be a plus. there's a lot of adjustment that needs to go on there or it's not clear how this is all going to shake out for the buyer, the seller, the realtor. but i think at the end of the day, it's a good thing because it's just introducing more competition two into a market which will bring down the cost for for
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the, for homebuyers. i think that's really important >> all right. very interesting. aren't mark zandi? thank you so much. thanks for breaking it all down for it is really all right. >> this >> just inosine some breaking news right now, the new york attorney general just responded to donald trump's claim that it's impossible to get a $464 million bond as his appeal plays out, the new york attorney general telling the appeals court they should ignore that argument. so the twists and turns in terms of trump being able to pay that very high, almost half billion-dollar bond. all of that continuing, we'll follow all those developments as the day goes on. but in the meantime, thank you very much for joining us this morning. i'm jim acosta, cnn's coverage of this breaking this will continue in the next hour of newsroom with wolf blitzer. that's right after a short break, have a great day >> i'm checking. >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a
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